4.1 The Potential Step

Supposed we have a potential step

$$ U(x)=\begin{cases} 0 & x<0,\\ U_0 & x>0. \end{cases} $$

If there is a wave traveling from left to right, we need to consider following two scenarios (i) $E>U_0$, and (ii) $E

(i) $E>U_0$

Similar to the finite well case, let the wavefunction at where $U(x)=0$ be $\psi_I(x)$, and the wavefunction at where $U(x)=U_0$ be $\psi_{II}(x)$. To solve the wavefunction, we start with time-independent Schrödinger Equation as usual. For $\psi_I(x)$ we have

$$ \frac{d^2}{dx^2}\psi_I(x)=-\frac{2mE}{2\hbar}\psi_I(x). $$

Let $k^2={2mE}/{2\hbar}$, and then we have a general solution

$$ \psi_I(x)=A\mathrm{e}^{ikx}+B\mathrm{e}^{-ikx}. $$

For $\psi_{II}(x)$, we have

$$ \frac{d^2}{dx^2}\psi_{II}(x)=-\frac{2m(E-U_0)}{2\hbar}\psi_{II}(x). $$

Let $k'^2={2m(E-U_0)}/{2\hbar}$, and a solution can be

$$ \psi_{II}(x)=C\mathrm{e}^{ik'x}. $$

We can treat terms in the form $\exp(+ikx)$ as waves propagating to the right, and terms in the form $\exp(-ikx)$ as waves propagating to the left. The reason there are two terms in $\psi_I(x)$ but only one term in $\psi_{II}(x)$ is as follow:

With reasoning above, we can denote terms of wavefunctions as incident wave, reflected wave, and transmitted wave

$$ \psi_{inc}=A\mathrm{e}^{ikx},\ \psi_{ref}=B\mathrm{e}^{-ikx},\psi_{trans}=C\mathrm{e}^{ik'x}. $$

Applying boundary conditions

$$ \begin{cases} \psi_I(0)=\psi_{II}(0),\\ \psi'_I|_{x=0}=\psi'_{II}|_{x=0}, \end{cases} $$

gives following relationship between amplitudes

$$ \begin{cases} A+B=C,\\ k(A-B)=k'C. \end{cases} $$

We can define two physical quantities: transmission probability $T$ and reflection probability $R$ as

$$ T=\frac{\text{transmition per time}}{\text{reflection per time}}, $$
$$ R=\frac{\text{reflection per time}}{\text{reflection per time}}. $$

Here we can multiply velocities to numerator and denominator to ensure those terms are "per time". Then, as $v=p/m=\hbar k/m$, we are able to use wavevector $k$ to force those terms are "per time" as desired. Thus, $T$ and $R$ can be expressed as

$$ T=\frac{|\psi_{trans}|^2k'}{|\psi_{inc}|^2k}=\frac{C^*Ck'}{A^*Ak}, $$
$$ R=\frac{|\psi_{ref}|^2k}{|\psi_{inc}|^2k}=\frac{B^*B}{A^*A}. $$

With the relationship between amplitudes, above relation becomes

$$ T=\frac{4kk'}{(k+k')^2}, $$
$$ R=\frac{(k-k')^2}{(k+k')^2}. $$

In terms of $U_0$ and $E$,

$$ \begin{gather} \bbox[silver]{ T=4\frac{\sqrt{E(E-U_0)}}{(\sqrt{E}+\sqrt{E-U_0})^2},\\ R=4\frac{(\sqrt{E}-\sqrt{E-U_0})^2}{(\sqrt{E}+\sqrt{E-U_0})^2}. }\end{gather} $$

(ii) $E<U_0$

When $E<U_0$, the wave equation $\psi_{II}$ becomes

$$ \psi_{II}(x)=C\mathrm{e}^{-\alpha x}, $$


$$ \alpha=\sqrt{\frac{2m(U_0-E)}{\hbar^2}}, $$

and the term with positive exponent ignored. This is because as a well behaved function, the function should converge as $x\rightarrow+\infty$. Again applying boundary conditions gives

$$ \begin{cases} A+B=C,\\ k(A-B)=-\alpha C. \end{cases} $$

It turned out that in this case $R=1$ and $T=0$. However this does not imply that there is no possibility to find a particle at $x>0$, as $|\psi_{II}|$ still has value greater than 0.